Singing Guide: He Is We

Singing Guide: He Is We

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Have you ever fallen in love with the beautiful, dreamlike voice of Rachel Taylor while listening to He Is We's enchanting melodies? Her ability to evoke emotions, entice vulnerability, and connect with her listeners has touched the hearts of many.

If you're wondering how to learn singing like Rachel Taylor, there are a few tips and tricks worth keeping in mind. First and foremost, focus on singing with emotion and intention. Rachel's voice is known for being soft and lilting, yet filled with passion and raw emotion. Her lyrics are often intimate and personal, and she sings each word like it's the most important thing in the world. Whether she's singing a gentle ballad like 'Happily Ever After' or belting out a rock-inspired anthem like 'Radio', her vocals are always full of feeling.

Another important aspect of singing like Rachel is mastering the art of controlling your breath. Rachel's voice is known for being breathy and ethereal, which is part of what makes it so unique and captivating. To achieve a similar effect, focus on controlling your breath using techniques like diaphragmatic breathing and breath control exercises. Make sure to warm up your voice before every singing session and practice good posture to keep your breath flowing freely.

When it comes to specific songs to showcase Rachel's vocal technique, 'Fall' is a great one to start with. The song begins with a soft, gentle tone, showcasing Rachel's ability to convey vulnerability through her singing. However, as the song progresses, the melody builds, and Rachel's voice becomes more powerful - demonstrating her ability to transition between different vocal ranges. The song's chorus is particularly powerful, with Rachel's voice soaring over the instruments in an emotional climax.

Another great example of Rachel's vocal style is 'Breathe'. The song's intro features soft, delicate vocals, which grow more intense as the song goes on. Rachel's voice sounds ethereal, with a slight hint of breathiness that adds to the song's haunting atmosphere. The chorus is another standout moment - with Rachel's voice becoming more powerful and intense as she sings.

Finally, it's always a good idea to take advantage of Singing Carrots' resources when learning how to sing like Rachel Taylor. The platform's Vocal Range Test can help you determine your singing range and compare it with famous singers like Rachel. Similarly, Pitch Accuracy Test can help you gauge your pitch accuracy, while the Vocal Pitch Monitor can show you how your voice corresponds with different notes. The Pitch Training section also offers a variety of exercises to help you improve your vocal range, agility, and pitch accuracy.

In conclusion, mastering the art of singing is a journey that requires dedication, perseverance, and practice. However, with the right mindset and tools, anyone can learn to sing like Rachel Taylor, enchanting audiences with ethereal, emotional vocals that resonate with listeners.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.